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Best ways to earn extra money

Sometimes we feel that the money we get today is still not enough. Maybe you have thought about finding ways to get extra money for your daily needs. Below are some things you can do to increase your income!
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Photo by Nattakorn Maneerat from Getty Images Pro on Canva

Get cashback from apps

If you are looking for an easy way to earn extra cash, it feels like you don't need to be far from your phone. There are several apps designed to make money easily for you, such as Ibotta, Paribus, Swagbucks, Acorns, and Mercari. Some more, these applications can make your money continue to grow as if it is working for you. However, keep in mind that almost all the applications offered to require some of your personal data. Make sure that you pay attention to the app's privacy policies before you download or use them.

Get paid for your creative skills

Do you have creative skills but are not using them as a potential source of your income? Actually, you can be freelance and get more income during your free time. Several sites out there like Fiverr can connect creative people like you with people who need creative services. The site connects freelancers who specialize in writing, editing, graphic design, and sound processing to work with clients who require creativity. It is recommended that you prepare a profile (almost like a resume) that potential employers can judge to see your experience, rates, and specialties.

Become an influencer

If you have a large following on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, you might consider becoming an influencer. However, as an influencer, you need to have an image or value so that it will be easier to build partnerships with potential partners. You can start with making great quality content, involving your followers, and perhaps join the influencer group or community. Beside that you also need to build an image before doing promotional steps and make money as an influencer. With a good image, you will be better known as a quality influencer, have high credibility, and be trusted so that there will be many partners or brands out there interested in working with you.

Take online surveys

One of the easy ways to get additional income and you can make money anywhere and anytime, even with only a cellphone or laptop, is to fill out and join an online paid survey site. Nowadays, there are many paid online survey sites, which provide rewards for their respondents. Usually, this survey is conducted for various purposes, such as public interests, companies, and trademarks. After you fill out the survey, you will get a reward in the form of shopping vouchers or cash via PayPal. However, the chance to earn money from online paid survey sites depends on the respondent's country of origin, and even though it can't be used as a full-time job, participating in a survey site can be your side job to get additional income.

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What is Mistery Shopping

Many of you may have heard and are familiar with “Mystery Shopping”. This is a popular way to earn extra income and will require you to pose as a regular customer, visit retailers, and other organizations who may be interested in knowing what customers think and the level of service they receive. So, what is Mystery Shopping actually? Mystery shopping is a method for marketing research to do a measurement of sales and services quality, job performance, regulatory compliance or to gather specific information about the market or competitors.
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How to maximise your earnings from online surveys

The rewards amount of each survey might not be that high, but make sure you follow the following tips to maximize your earnings. First, never sign up with a fake email. This is essential as the panel will contact you by email. A fake email address means that you will miss your online survey invitations, and you won't earn money. Because every email sent to an unexisting email address will be bounced back and never be delivered to you. If you provided a correct email address, but you still don't get survey invitations to check your SPAM folder.
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